Report-Centric DataMart Development Projects

Client Description

Sberbank Hungary was the Hungarian subsidiary of the international Sberbank Group, providing banking services for both retail and corporate clients. Its activities included lending, account management, and offering various savings and investment products. It operated under the ownership of the Russian parent company and aimed to provide innovative, customer-focused financial solutions in the Hungarian market.

Project General Description

We participated in the creation of various reports with diverse data content. These tasks included data migration, design, specification, development, optimization, testing, and submission on the database side. Additionally, we worked closely with the business area related to the reports, conducting activity assessments and developing business specifications. This also encompassed integration processes with the existing system, the development of new and custom loading engines, and ensuring regular and scheduled runs—particularly to support monthly data submissions. Notable examples include the monthly data submission for MNB HITREG, the Basel II capital adequacy reporting system, Risk Data Pool for bank risk management, and the development and enhancement of IFRS calculation engines and balance management.

Let's talk!
Banking, Financial, and Insurance Sectors
Risk Management


During the integration of various data sources and data marts, we faced significant challenges. Aligning different formats, definitions, and quality standards required precise planning and execution. As a result, we developed a unified and consistent data model that ensured data accuracy and reliability across different reporting systems.

Close collaboration with the business areas was essential for the successful realization of the project. We conducted detailed activity assessments, identifying key business processes and their data requirements. During the development of business specifications, we placed great emphasis on accurately defining requirements and harmonizing processes.

Throughout the execution of the projects, we encountered several additional challenges. One of the most significant issues was the shortage of expert human resources, coupled with tight deadlines. We addressed this challenge through effective project management techniques and continuous development of the team members' skills. We adopted an agile methodology, which enabled us to quickly adapt to changing requirements.

How we helped?

  • Database Development and Optimization
  • In addition to migrating existing databases, we created new, more efficient structures capable of handling increased data volumes and complexity.
  • Activity Assessment
  • We conducted a detailed mapping of business processes and data requirements, identifying current practices and challenges.
  • Specification Development
  • Precise definition of business requirements, including data structures, reporting formats, and processing logic.
  • Process Harmonization
  • We aligned processes across different areas, optimizing data flow and eliminating redundancies.
  • Integration Processes and Custom Loading Engines
  • We developed complex ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes that allowed for the efficient collection, cleansing, and loading of data from various source systems into the new data mart.
  • Key Reporting Systems Implementation
  • Throughout our projects, we implemented several key reporting systems that comply with strict regulatory requirements.